Wednesday, 5 December 2018


1.      A ratio is a way of comparing quantities or numbers by
a.       Multiplication
b.      Subtraction
c.       Addition
d.      Division 

2.      The first term in ratio is called as
a.       Consequent
b.      Antecedent
c.       Dividend
d.      Quotient 

3.      Two quantities can be compared only if they are
a.       In same Ratio
b.      In same Units
c.       In same Proportion
d.      Of same kind and unit

4.      The ratio a: b is said to be in simplest form or lowest terms if a and b have no common factors except
a.       1
b.      0
c.       -1
d.      None of these

5.      A ratio has
a.       Unit
b.      No Unit
c.       Depends on compared numbers
d.      None of the above

6.      Three terms a , b , c (all of same type and same unit) are said to be in continued proportion if
a.       a: b = b : c
b.      a: b = c : b
c.       b: a = c : a
d.      c: a = a : b

7.      If both the terms of a ratio are multiplied by 10, the value of ratio will
a.       Be 10 times more
b.      Decrease
c.       Increase
d.      Remain the same

8.      Four terms a , b , c, d are said to be in proportion if
a.       a : b = c : d
b.      a : b = d : c
c.       b: a = c : d
d.      c: a = b : d

9.      Equivalent ratio of 24:28 is__
a.       6: 7
b.      6:5
c.       1: 2
d.      1: 3

10.  Find 5:12 is ______3:8
a.       Greater
b.      Less
c.       Equal
d.      None of these

11.  The ratio of 50 cm to 3.5 m is____
a.       1 : 7
b.      7 : 3
c.       25 : 7
d.      7 : 6

12.  The ratio of 144 to 162
a.       8: 9
b.      4: 9
c.       9: 8
d.      9: 72

13.  The second term in ratio is called as
a.       Consequent
b.      Antecedent
c.       Dividend
d.      Quotient 

14.  The value of x in 8:3 = x : 39
a.       13
b.      19
c.       104
d.      23

15.  Which of the following is TRUE
a.       The ratio equivalent to 7:9 is 27:21
b.      A ratio equivalent to 5:4 is 240:192
c.       A ratio of 250 gm and 3 kg is 1:12
d.      b and c are true

16.  The ages of A and B are in the ratio 2:7. If B’s age is 14 years, then the age of A is
a.       4 years
b.      15 years
c.       10 years
d.      25 years

17.  In the word “MATHEMATICS”, the ratio of the number of consonants to the number of vowels is
a.       4:7
b.      7:4
c.       5:6
d.      6:5

18.  36 cards are to be divided between X and Y in the ratio 1:11, then how much Y will get
a.       21
b.      19
c.       30
d.      33

19.  The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 3:7:8. Find the greatest angle (the sum of angles of a triangle is 180)
a.       30
b.      70
c.       80
d.      90

20.  The ratio of the number of students enrolled for basket ball to the number of enrolled for cricket in a school is 3: 13. If the number of students enrolled for cricket is 52, the number of students enrolled for basket ball is
a.       39
b.      12
c.       16
d.      9

21.  Increase 95 in the ratio 5:8
a.       152
b.      170
c.       172
d.      189

22.  The ratio of the speeds of two vehicles is 2:3. If the second vehicles covers 72 km in 2 hours, what is the speed of the first vehicle
a.       24 km/hr
b.      54 km/hr
c.       48 km/hr
d.      108 km/hr

23.  Decrease 275 in the ratio 11:7
a.       170
b.      180
c.       175
d.      195

24.  The number 650 is decreased to 500 in the ratio a: b, then the ratio a: b will be
a.       3/5
b.      5/6
c.       10/13
d.      13/10

25.   In Proportion the symbol :: is used for
a.       To show greater ratio
b.      Two equate the two ratios
c.       Two show smaller ratio
d.      None of these

26.  In Proportion the first and the last terms are called
a.       Means
b.      Extremes
c.       Mid
d.      Last

27.  In Proportion the second and the third terms are called
a.       Means
b.      Extremes
c.       Mid
d.      Last

28.  The fourth term of the proportion will be how much if first, second and third terms are 18, 27, and 32 respectively
a.       59
b.      48
c.       58
d.      60

29.  The ratio of the length and width of a school ground is 5:2. Find the length, if the width is 40 metres
a.       100 m
b.      16 m
c.       105 m
d.      120 m

30.  Determine if 20 cm: 1m and 3.5 L: 17.5 L is in proportion
a.       Yes
b.      No
c.       None
d.      Can’t be calculated

31.  An electric pole casts shadow of length 20 meters at a time when a tree 6 meters high casts shadow of length 8 meters. Find the height of the pole
a.       20
b.      25
c.       15
d.      30

32.  If a: b:: c:d then the correct statement is
a.       ab =cd
b.      b2=ac
c.       ad=bc
d.      bcd=a

33.  Mohit enlarges a photograph that is 8 cm wide and 6 cm high. If the height of the enlarged photograph is 24 cm, its width is
a.       16 cm
b.      2 cm
c.       32 cm
d.      12 cm

34.  The distance between two towns is 430 km. If map scale is 10 km to 2 cm, then the length on the map representing this distance is
a.       90 cm
b.      86 cm
c.       85 cm
d.      43 cm

35.  Which statement is TRUE
a.       The ratio 2:5 and ratio 5:2 is same
b.      The numbers 8, 10, 4, 5 forms a proportion
c.       26 kg: 39 kg :: Rs 200 : Rs 300
d.      b and c both
36.  A photocopier enlarges the original in the ratio 2:3. The height of a tree is 12 cm on the original. How tall is tree on the enlarged copy?
a.       16 cm
b.      18 cm
c.       15 cm
d.      20 cm

37.  The ratio of 2 litres to 600 mL is
a.       1:300
b.      1:30
c.       3:10
d.      10:3

38.  In a school trip, Bus 1 has 4 teachers and 14 students, Bus 2 has 3 teachers and 7 students, and Bus 3 has 4 teachers and 28 students. Which of the buses has the least teacher-student ratio?
a.       Bus 1
b.      Bus 2
c.       Bus 3
d.      Cannot say

39.  The monthly fee for the dance class conducted in a school increased from Rs 750 to Rs 900. The ratio of the increase fee to the original fee is
a.       5:6
b.      6:5
c.       1:6
d.      75:9

40.  A movie started at 11:00 a.m. and ended at 2:15 p.m., including an interval time of 15 minutes. Then the ratio of movie time (excluding interval) to interval is
a.       1:12
b.      12:1
c.       13:1
d.      1:13

41.  If 40: x :: 60:45 then the value of x is
a.       10
b.      20
c.       30
d.      90

42.  A bag contains 50 p, 25 p and 10 p coins in the ratio 5 : 9 : 4, amounting to Rs 206. Find the number of coins of each type
a.      200, 360, 160
b.      300, 460, 560
c.       100, 260, 300
d.      400,360 260

43.  The ratio of the number of red balls to the number of green balls is 5 : 6. The green balls are either light green or dark green and their ratio is 4: 2. If there are 12 dark green balls find the number of light green and red balls respectively
a.       36, 54
b.      32, 48
c.       24, 30
d.      20, 28

44.  Find the share of A, B and C respectively, if Rs 4340 is divided into ½: 1/3: 1/5
a.       Rs 2100, Rs 1400, Rs 840
b.      Rs 1400, Rs 2100, Rs 840
c.       Rs 840, Rs 2100, Rs 1400
d.      Rs 1400, Rs 840, Rs 2100

45.  Out of 208 people in a party, 48 were children. The remaining people, male and females, are in the ratio of 2:3. Find the number of males and females in the party respectively.
a.       84, 125
b.      125, 84
c.       96, 64
d.      64, 96



1.            d
2.            b
3.            d
4.            a
5.            b
6.            a
7.            d
8.            a
9.            a
10.        a
11.        a
12.        a
13.        a
14.        c
15.        d
16.        a
17.        b
18.        d
19.        c
20.        b
21.        a
22.        a
23.        c
24.        d
25.        b
26.        b
27.        a
28.        b
29.        a
30.        a
31.        c
32.        c
33.        c
34.        b
35.        d
36.        b
37.        d
38.        c
39.        b
40.        b
41.        c
42.        a
43.        c
44.        a
45.        d

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